Monday, 27 April 2020

Reward your Kids for Dental Hygiene

This year has been different from any other in the history of the United States of America.  We have spent more time at home with our children than ever before as mandated by our local governments.  Our Federal Government put our regulations on how we should be living and dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic.  This in turn has left many Americans without a job or working from home.  What also came home with us is our children. 

Most local government and private schools were dismissed due to the fear of spreading COVID-19.  The corona virus has changed many of our lives and it has left our children at home with us.  They are eating more and may be consuming too much sugar with no way to see a dentist.  So reward them for keeping up with their dental hygiene and you may be regarding your pocketbook later in the year.

Keeping a healthy daily routine is a great way to make rewarding your children easy.  Don’t get convoluted by making a crazy chart of doing this gets you that.  Quid pro quo should not be instigated in teeth hygiene.  Instead be positive and supportive for sticking to the routine.  What ever you do, don’t reward teeth  brushing with sugar.  Yes, this is the most prominent way we trick out children into doing the right thing. But try to change the rules a bit.  

If they are motivated by being with you or quality time.  Then reward them with a few minutes of doing something together right after they brush their teeth.  Yes, this may be twice a day, but if its reading  a quick story to them after they brush their teeth, then it's worth it.  10 minutes a day of reading can save you thousands of dollars each year for cavities or pulling teeth.

Another great way to reward children for keeping their pearly whites clean is to play games.  Making a sticker chart and making it a competition can be a bonus for some kids in the family. Not everyone is motivated by personal time, but some kids love a competition and will in turn keep the rest of the bunch in the game by themselves.  That is the best way in my opinion to keep your kids healthy and keep you safe and a little less light in the wallet. So stay safe this COVID-19 pandemic and keep washing your hands!

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