Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Quarantine Teeth Brushing

The year is 2020, the Month is April and the day is now unknown.  That is how most of us feel who have been subjected to stay at home orders in our states.  The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed our entire lifestyle.  We now are more homebodies than ever before, the term staycation has become normal life.  Although many of us have to work from home, we all find ourselves in similar situations.  We are eating out less generally now for fear of the Coronavirus, but we are somehow eating more.  There are many consequences to increased eating which have lots of health effects tied to them.  One such issue is the health of your teeth. 

In general Americans are going to each more sugar when they are stuck at home.  One because they like it but more to the fact that it is very addictive.  Hence, once you find yourself eating a cookie or two you simply want more.  The simple nature of the beast is the more trips you make to the refrigerator the more likely you are going to need to see your dentist. 

Unfortunately, with the COVID-19 Pandemic in place, many Americans have lost their jobs or are severely under worked due to stay at home orders.  Unemployment has spike to roughly 6 million applicants per month and in general Americnas have less money to spend.  When Americans feel strapped for cash dentist visits go down dramatically.

The other troubling area is that now many dentists are not able to work.  They have been labeled in many states as unessential.  This label means they are now unable to go to work.  Which means that unless its an emergency situation, the patient will not be able to go see a dentist.  Combine lack of income and an emergency situation being need and you simply have less people going to the dentists to take care of their teeth.

There are some precautions you can take to help eliminate the need to go to the dentists to start with.  First, cut down on the sugar intake you are currently taking.  This means don’t buy cookies or sugary items at the grocery store when you take your essential trip ever week or in some cases three weeks.  Focus on more healthy foods and drink lots of water.  Water can help clean your teeth and keep the decaying effects of sugar from happening so rapidly. So stay safe, and take care of your teeth this quarantine!

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